Sunday, May 2, 2010

April 12 Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order at 6:16 P.M. on Monday April 12. Motion to approve minutes by Suzi and Sara. People who attended the meeting were Sherry, Sheri, Sherry, Lynn, A.J., Valerie, Suzi, Sara, Laura, Lisa, Kaitlyn, and Alissa.

Treasurer’s Report: The club made a small profit off of the March Fuzzy Wuzzy Show. The Show Chairman wasn’t available to give a show report.
New/Old Business: Desert Color Classic-Lisa will be able to attend the show and help with announcing and managing.

Announcers will be Lisa and Sherri M.

Morgan, Kari, and Lisa will be able to run the office.

Pre-entries for the DCC show will be mailed to the MRVHA P.O. BOX with a deadline of Wednesday the 19th. Entries must include copies of all membership cards. It will be the clubs responsibility to check the memberships of the entries. All entries showing in Pinto classes must bring proof of membership the day of the show.
Show supplies - Numbers have been ordered and picked up this week, staplers, big pins, paperclips, batteries, calculators, speaker wire, printer ink.
Rules and Regulations- class fees will be the same as last year
• grounds fee -$11
• jackpot classes-$25, 20 for class and 5 for the office.
• warm up trail $10
4-H kids will be there to help run the warm up trail and jackpot trail. All warm up money will go to the 4-H kids. MSC, Sara and Laura.

There will be NO warm up trail for the jackpot class.
Pre-entries must send copies for the entries.
There will be a $20 fee to enter the day of the show. MSC – Suzi and Sherri M.
Pinto class numbers will given out per horse.

NO running of horses on the grounds.
Leadliners may not cross enter any other classes
A NSF check fee of $35. MSC – Sara and Laura.
Class changes/scratches MUST be done 3 classes before.

The ring Steward may choose the order of go if not volunteers go first.
Gate/ring person(s) will be paid $100. MSC -Sherry and Laura.

Sponsorship fees are $75 for performance and $50 for halter.

We will be adding a jackpot loungeline class.
There will be random class drawings for tailbags.
High point awards- feeders with trays and duffle bags a value of High point $30 and reserve $20. Motion to 1st- Laura, second Sherry K.
Halter classes WILL count but are not mandatory.
Ribbons will be awarded thru 6th.

Food- Hamburgers, water, soda, ice tea, lemonade, cupcakes, hot dogs, chili, hamburgers, chips, coffee, doughnuts and ice. The club will pay for the meat and buns.
Raffles prizes will be donated.
Meeting ended at 8:09