Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Meeting called to order at 1:40 PM.People that attended this weeks meeting were Lisa, Kaitlyn, Suzi, Laura, Sherry K, Alissa, Sara, Sherri M, and Kara.

President's Report: The president announced that all of the 2010 board members were voted in unanimously.

Treasurer's Report: The insurance for all of the 2010 horse shows will be paid this week.

Old Business: The 2010 horse show memberships consist of household family members only. This includes husband, wife, children and or legal guardianships under the age of 18. We will be following the guidelines of PtHA. Kara moved to change the family membership and child requirements.M/S/C by Kara;Laura

New Business: Fuzzy horseshow rain date is March 14. Lisa will be checking on the DCC ribbon inventory. No Moola will be given out for the Fuzzy Wuzzy show. There will be no patterns except for Trail and Showmanship.

Food for the Fuzzy show will be cupcakes, chili, hot dogs, drinks, and coffee. All of the board members will be donating a raffle idem for the fuzzy show.

No Gate Entries. No exceptions.

This year: 2 Shows/2 judges at each show. There will be no futurities at the September show this year. Kara motioned no futurity show this year. Suzi seconded that.

There will be no Palomino or Quarter Horse alternative points this year due to expenses but will be considering Quarter Horse classes for future shows. The club may be adding Palomino classes in the 2011 premium.

The Desert Color Classic: Dennis Dean, Cash Grimes, and Grant Gibbs for possible judges and will be paid a set .42 cents a mile for expenses.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:58 PM.

Submitted by Alissa Osburn, MRVHA Secretary